Overcoming Any Crisis…Guaranteed




Overcome Any Crisis . . . Guaranteed shares revelation that is both practical and powerful. Author, David Garcia, doesn’t paint a rosy, misleading picture of life, but a realistic one—taken from one of the most important parables Jesus preached.

Floods will come. There will be times when you feel you are going under. But the principles shared in this mini-book will make you an overcomer in all things. You will be grounded on the sure foundation that can weather any storm. When you know and act upon these truths, setbacks become setups and earthly disappointments merely set the stage for heaven-sent, divine appointments.

Keep this book with you and read it over and over until its contents take root in your heart. It will give you strength to endure, determination to win, and grace to thrive.

“If you will act upon these biblical truths, the insights you are about to read can set you on a course of victory in every area of your life.”–Dr. Perry Stone


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